Friday, April 22, 2011

Mr. Nice?

I am sick of being "Mr. Nice" anymore...things just turn out to be not the way u wanted it to be...

U wont get any benefit for being a "Mr. Nice" anymore..instead...ppl tend to take u for granted and started blaming u for not being "nice" enough.

Ur words really kill...

I am still a human that made out of flash...

I still do have feelings...

I have done so much just for u...and yet not even a single appreciation but yet a complain that I am being annoying? Well...nicely done.

I really started to get sick of being nice to everyone....

Really...fuck it man...time to be more selfish...

Care more for urself...

Be more selfish...

U said u dont want my love at all....

Okay...then I shall put my love to something/ someone else then.

